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作者: 时间:2021-10-03 点击数:












2019.09-至今   德州学院  副教授

2016.09-2019.06   南开大学  植物学 博士学位

2013.09-2016.06   南开大学 生态学 硕士学位

2009.09-2013.06   鲁东大学 生物科学 学士学位


生态学  环境生物学


1. 内生真菌、丛枝菌根真菌和禾草的相互作用机制研究;

2. 感染内生真菌的草坪草在盐碱土壤的植物修复中的应用研究。





1. Liu Hui, Tang Huimin, Ni Xiaozhen, Zhang Yajie, Wang Yingchao. Effects of the endophyte Epichloë coenophiala on the root microbial community and growth performance of tall fescue in different saline-alkali soils. Fungal Ecology. 2022, 101159.

2. Liu Hui, Tang Huimin, Ni Xiaozhen, Zhang Yajie, Wang Yingchao. Interactive effects of Epichloë endophyte and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on saline-alkali stress tolerance in tall fescue. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022.

3. Liu Hui, Chen Jing, Qin Tianzi, Shi Xinjian, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Removal of soil microbes alters interspecific competitiveness of Epichloë endophyte-infected over endophyte-free Leymus chinensis. Microorganism. 2020, 8, 219.

4. Liu Hui, Wu Man, Liu Jinming, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Endophyte infection influences arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities in rhizosphere soils of host as opposed to non-host grass. European Journal of Soil Science. 2020, 1-15.

5. Liu Hui, Wu Man, Chen Jing, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus identity modulates growth effects of endophyte-infected grasses on neighbouring plants. Mycorrhiza. 2020, 30: 663-670.

6. Liu Hui, Wu Man, Liu JinMing, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Tripartite interactions between endophyte, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Leymus chinensis. Microbial Ecology. 2019, 79(1): 98-109.

7. Liu Hui, Chen Wei, Wu Man, Wu Rihan, Zhou Yong, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculation reduces the drought-resistance advantage of endophyte-infected versus endophyte-free Leymus chinensis. Mycorrhiza. 2017, 27(8): 791-799.

8. Qu Yaobing, Qin Tianzi, Shi Xinjian, Chen Jing, Liu Hui, Zhao Nianxi, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. The effects of Epichloë endophytes on the growth and competitiveness of Achnatherum sibiricum are mediated by soil microbe diversity. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2022.

9. Liu Jinming, Ge Xiaoyu, Fan Xiaowen, Liu Hui, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. The inhibitory effect of endophyte-infected tall fescue on white clover can be alleviated by Glomus mosseae instead of rhizobia. Microorganisms. 2021, 9: 1-11.

10. Shi Xinjian, Qin Tianzi, Liu Hui, Wu Man, Li Juanjuan, Shi Yansong, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Endophytic fungi activated similar defense strategies of Achnatherum sibiricum host to different trophic types of pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020.

11. Qin Junhua, Wu Man, Liu Hui, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi. Endophyte infection and methyl jasmonate treatment increased the resistance of Achnatherum sibiricum to insect herbivores independently. Toxins, 2019, 11.

12. Zhou Yong, Li Xia, Gao Yuan, Liu Hui, Gao Yubao, van der Heijden Marcel G. A., Ren Anzhi. Plant endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant competition. Functional Ecology. 2018, 32(5): 1168-1179.

13. Chen Wei, Liu Hui, Wurihan, Gao Yubao, Stuart D. Card, Ren Anzhi. The advantages of endophyte-infected over uninfected tall fescue in the growth and pathogen resistance are counteracted by elevated CO2. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1).

14. Qin Junhua, Gao Yuan, Liu Hui, Zhou Yong, Ren Anzhi, Gao Yubao. Effect of endophyte infection and clipping treatment on resistance and tolerance of Achnatherum sibiricum. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7:1988.

15. Zhou Yong, Li Xia, Qin Junhua, Liu Hui, Chen Wei, Niu Yi, Ren Anzhi, Gao Yubao. Effects of simultaneous infections of endophytic fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of their shared host grass Achnatherum sibiricum under varying N and P supply. Fungal Ecology. 2016, 20: 56-65.

16. Li Xia, Zhou Yong, Mace Wade, Qin Junhua, Liu Hui, Chen Wei, Ren Anzhi, Gao Yubao. Endophyte species influence the biomass production of the native grass Achnatherum sibiricum (L.) Keng under high nitrogen availability. Ecology and Evolution. 2016, 6(23): 8595-8606.

17. 唐慧敏, 倪晓臻, 王颖超, 张雅洁, 朱元刚, 刘慧*. 盐碱胁迫对染内生菌和不染菌苇状羊茅根系丛枝菌根真菌群落多样性和组成的影响. 菌物学报. 2022.

18. 刘慧, 崔光杰, 李明明, 朱元刚, 张秀玲. 苯菌灵处理条件下内生真菌感染对羊草生长的影响. 生态学杂志. 2021.

19. 刘慧, 陈薇, 周勇, 李夏, 仁安芝, 高玉葆. 内生真菌和丛枝菌根真菌对羊草生长的影响. 植物生态学报. 2015, 39(5): 477-485.

20. 乌日罕, 刘慧, 吴曼, 任安芝, 高玉葆. 感染羽茅的香柱属内生真菌对丛枝菌根真菌孢子萌发的影响. 应用生态学报. 2018.

21. 陈薇, 刘慧, 姜楠, 周勇, 任安芝, 高玉葆. 不同 CO2 浓度和氮素处理下内生真菌感染对高羊茅的生理生态影响. 南开大学学报. 2015, 48(4): 43-52.

22. 高远, 李隔萍, 施宏, 刘慧, 任安芝, 高玉葆.感染内生真菌的羽茅对大针茅的化感作用. 生态学报. 2017, 37(4): 1063-1073.




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